Concurrent Session #6

Friday Morning

Concurrent Sessions Preliminary Schedule! Sessions are subject to be moved around according to the schedule, more details about the presentations will be posted at a later date

25 Minute Presentations

Elise Kieffer

Murray State University

Title of Presentation: Endowment Funded Experiential Learning: Facilitating Student Engagement

Thematic Focus: Surprising Collaborations | Listening Closely 

Jasmine Harris-Speight

Mississippi State University

Title of Presentation: Equipping Youth for Lifelong Learning and Health Literacy through the Junior Master Wellness Volunteer (JMWV) Program

Thematic Focus: Learning the Chords | Listening Closely

60 Minute Presentations

James A. Agan

University of Florida

Title of Presentation: Empowering Student-Led Community Impact Through Asset-Based Service-Learning

Thematic Focus: Playing Around | Learning the Chords | Listening Closely

Mona Ivey-Soto

Belmont University

Title of Presentation: The Stories of Our Neighbors: Listening to & Learning from our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community Partners

Thematic Focus: Resonance | Surprising Collaborations | Learning the Chords

Ray Chao

Belmont University 

Title of Presentation: Using Improvisation to Build Connections

Thematic Focus: Playing Around

Mary- Jo Parker

University of Houston-Downtown

Title of Presentation: STEM Major Advocates at the Middle School Level: Leadership and Learning through Service

Thematic Focus: Dissonance & Resilience | Learning the Chords

Kayli Meek

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Title of Presentation: Building a Service-Learning Training Course that Mirrors our Mission

Thematic Focus: Learning the Chords

Audryanna Reed and Gavin Luter

Southern Methodist University

Title of Presentation: Place-Based Justice: An Anti-Racist Framework for University-Community Engagement

Thematic Focus: Dissonance & Resilience

Katherine Adams, Lori Tiller, David Meyers, Arden Bakarich, Jason Bedgood, and Silga Frachiseur

University of North Georgia 

Title of Presentation: Harmonizing Futures: Empowering Lifelong Learners from Foster Care to Higher Education

Thematic Focus: Learning the Chords